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How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow Back

Hair and face skin reflects the health of a person. When a stranger first sees you, they are first going to notice your hair and healthy skin. Losing some amount of hair is a part of your daily cycle. But when you are starting to lose more than 100 strands in a day. This is a severe problem that needs instant attention. So how are you going to manage the situation? Hair loss can happen for any reason. Like temporary or permanent illness? So how could you handle it? And after one single time of hair loss, how long does it take for hair to grow back?

Let’s first see the structures of the hair and how much hair loss is considered natural.

The Life Cycle Of Hair Strand

The Life Cycle Of Hair Strand

Every hair follicle is made up of a healthy protein called Keratin. You have around 5 to 6 million different kinds of follicles all over your body. And among them, approximately 120,000 follicles are present on the top of your head. The rest of the strands are present on your face and body.

Usually, the head hair follicles have a shorter life cycle than the rest of your body. This is the reason most people are starting to ask questions about how long it takes for hair to grow back after they experience a significant amount of hair dropping.

Hair Follicles Are Living Cells

Hair Follicles Are Living Cells

These follicles are living human cells. This is the reason when somebody is pulling over your hair. You feel pain. But during the haircut, you do not feel any pain because when these strands are growing longer and grow longer than the root theses become dead.

If you are starting to lose around 100 strands per day, that means 8% of your hair is going to reach the end of its life cycle. But when you are losing more than this amount, it is causing serious trouble. So let’s see how long does it take for hair to grow back.

4 Life Stages Of The Hair Follicles

4 Life Stages Of The Hair Follicles

The life stages of hair follicles are helping you to understand and calculate the exact time of your hair growth. The hair follicles are going through four different life stages. Depending upon the four life stages, hence you can understand how long it takes for hair to grow back.

Here are the four stages of hair follicles:

1. Anagen The Growth Phase

Anagen The Growth Phase

When you see someone with long hair, you can be sure that the hair growth cycle of that person is almost 2 to 7 years long. This is because anagen growth phases determine the hair length of a person.

2. Transition Phase Catagen

Transition Phase Catagen

Every hair follicle has to go through the transition phases. This time the hair follicles start to shrink, and at the end of the cycle, the hair will detach from the root. 

This stage is going to last up to 10 days. During this time, the hair is becoming a little bit fragile and can uproot anytime.

3. Telogen Phase

Telogen Phase

Telogen phases are resting phases. This phase lasts for around 90 to 100 days. In this period, the hair follicles are in complete rest. And during this time, club hair is formed about. 10% to 15 % of the head hairs are in these phases. 

The old hairs start resting, and the new hairs begin to grow in the growth period.

4. Exogen New Hair Phase

Exogen New Hair Phase

The old hair shedding and the new hair coming are the few stages by which you can calculate the time span and know how long it takes for hair to grow back.

This is when the hair follicles start to shred, and the new follicles continue the growth. Approximately an average person is shredding 50 to 100 hair strands in a day. This is continuing as usual.

4 Common Reasons For Excess Hair Shedding

4 Common Reasons For Excess Hair Shedding

Every type of hair problem has a different solution for extreme hair shedding. And when you have queries like how long does it take for hair to grow back, you have to understand the deep-rooted causes of hair falls.

Here are the four common reasons for hair falls:

1. Stress

Stress is directly linked with the human skin and hair. If you do not know how to manage your stress, this is obvious! a big problem. Stress and anxiety both affect your health. In standard terms, the hair loss problems are clinically called Alopecia areata.

The reason for this problem is your body’s immune system is starting to attract your hair follicles. And as a result, you begin to experience a massive hair fall.

2. Hormone And Gene Factor

Hormone and gene factors play a significant role in the hair loss problem. If you have family records with baldness and other hormonal disbalances issues. This is linked with your hair loss problem directly. Hence when the underlying issues are directly connected with hormonal imbalances like thyroid. You have to make contact with the doctors and ask for treatment.

Sometimes medications like anti-depression drugs and hormone pills cause severe hair loss problems. In addition, the testosterone hormones overdosages are also a significant cause of hair loss problems.

3. Bad Diet

If you want to know how long it takes for hair to grow back, the first thing you have to do is just follow a good nutritious diet. Bad diet and the inefficient consumption of foods are causing severe hair loss problems. A lousy diet means the supply of vitamins and minerals is becoming irregular and limited. This is the reason for the imbalanced diet you can experience serious hair loss problems.

And to overcome this type of vitamin and minerals deficiency. You have to first follow the diet routine enriched with vitamins and minerals. For example, seafood is a good source of vitamin D, iron, and Zn. You can start with this one.

4. Illness

Permanent and temporary illnesses are sometimes coursing hideous hair fall problems. And for diseases like Cancer and liver problems, the patients often experience enormous hair fall problems, especially after the chemo sessions. 

Even for liver problems, the patients are experiencing big hair problems, sudden hair thinning, and unnatural white hair appearance problems. So to overcome these types of liver problems, it is better to consult your doctor first. And if you are right now going through the chemo sessions and experiencing hair fall problems. Hence shaving your head is the best solution for you.

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow Back?

After the temporary, treatable hair loss problems and temporary illnesses, you are only going to need about a month one or two for your hair to grow. After that, the natural hair’s growth rate is 6 inches per year. And depending upon your hair type and inner health, your hair growth rate is determined.

But when you are going through the chemotherapy sessions, you have to give at least 2 to 3 months after you stop your chemo treatments. So after you fully recover from cancer, you only require a few months to grow your back in the average normal density.

How Can I Promote Faster Hair Growth?  

Do you want your hair to grow faster? You can take certain measures. So, let’s have a look.

Be Particular About The Intake Of Vitamins And Other Nutrients   

You must have seen many companies coming up with hair growth products that have a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

You may wonder whether these products help the growth of hair or not. It’s true that most of these products are not directly associated with the growth of hair.

However, your body needs a lot of energy to promote hair growth. So, proper intake of vitamins and nutrients makes sure that your body is able to support faster hair growth.

Some of the essential nutrients to promote faster hair growth are:

  • Zinc
  • Omega 3 fatty acid
  • DHA
  • Vitamin B7 or Biotin
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D

Apply Essential Oil To Promote Faster Hair Growth   

Essential oils, especially tea tree oil or rosemary oil, can be extremely beneficial for the growth of your hair.

You can also use a shampoo with the goodness of lime oil or jojoba oil to make your hair grow faster.

Along with rosemary oil, tea tree oil, lime oil, and jojoba oil, some other essential oils beneficial for your hair growth are:

  • Chamomile
  • Thyme
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Garlic extract

However, you must avoid using essential oil directly on your scalp. You can mix it with with a carrier oil to make it beneficial for your scalp and hair growth. Among the carrier oils, the most common ones are:

  • Castor oil
  • Mineral oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Almond oil

However, before choosing and applying an essential oil, you must be sure that the essential oil is not allergic to your skin. You can even seek advice from a professional to maintain safety.

Try Topical Ointments To Promote Faster Hair Growth   

Along with the application of essential oils and intake of vitamins and nutrients, you can also use a topical ointment to promote faster growth for your hair.

Especially if you suffer from alopecia, you can use these topical ointments for maximum benefit.

Among the topical ointments, you can use topical melatonin. It boosts the anagen growth cycle, and it also reduces hair loss.

You can also use Topical minoxidil 5 percent for around three to six months if you want to slow down the hair fall process.

In addition, Prescription finasteride is an essential topical ointment to reduce androgenic alopecia.

Wrapping It Up

After you are recovering from any serious illness, you often ask how long does it take for hair to grow back? But the honest answer is lying under the causes of hair fall. The temporary illness and the hormonal imbalances problems are treatable by mild drugs prescribed by the doctors. So it is better to keep your health fit and active to keep away from this type of problem. But after the Cancer type illness, you need at least 2 to three months of span to reach the actual density of the hair and reduce the hair loss problems. Are you currently facing a hair loss problem due to any illness? Do not forget to share your healthy hair guide in the comments sections.

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