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How to Make a Fashion Marketing Video for Your Clothing Brand

Video content is the future of digital marketing. There are numerous statistics to prove the increasing usage of video for all kinds of marketing. A recent HubSpot “Video is for Everyone” highlights that the average percentage of B2B enterprises that use video in their marketing is 73%, and B2C is 66%.

Moreover, the report shows that marketers spent an average of between $100-1000 per marketer on video marketing in 2020. This should show any brand or individual looking to market themselves online that you need to use video content if you want to remain relevant!

Although brands have been keeping up with social media trends for quite some time and know-how crucial it is for them to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, many fail to have a plan of action. This can be a recipe for disaster. As a business owner, it is crucial for your brand to be seen if you want it to be successful.

Crucial questions to ask before planning for video marketing:

So make sure you skim through this suggested list of questions before moving forward: Let’s ask ourselves these crucial questions to evaluate if there’s a need for video content related to fashion:

  1. What crisis are you facing?
  2. How can we use videos for business development?
  3. Why did previous campaigns fail?
  4. Why will your return be greater than 50%?
  5. Who wants to watch informative videos at this particular moment in history anyway?
  6. Where does the target market audience tend to watch videos online most often (e.g., Facebook Live) and why?

The most effective way to get the right message across to the right people is through relevant strategies. So, here are some ways to use digital media correctly and plan a great marketing campaign for your brand.

1. Planning a fashion campaign:

In fashion, one of the best ways to create an online following and build up your brand is by posting on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. But it’s not enough just to post pictures or videos of your fashion line – what you need is an effective marketing strategy that will help you reach buyers through more than just social media.

If you have started your fashion or retail business to showcase a specific style or type of clothing, remember that you are more than a designer. You’re also a marketer and publicist extraordinaire. This means you not only want people to buy and wear what you’ve made; you also want them to love it so much that they become invested in your brand.

2. Invest in your brand’s website:

2. Invest in your brand’s website:

Having a website for your brand is one of the primary marketing strategies in today’s digital age. However, it’s not sufficient to simply have a website. Invest time in maintaining your website consistently. There are many websites that are static and are not updated regularly for a better experience for visitors to the website.

The fashion industry is all about visuals, whether it is clothes or other items that you sell with your business. In addition, fashion trends are changing in the blink of an eye, and so your business website should reflect this nature and aesthetic of the business.

3. Create a YouTube channel:

3. Create a YouTube channel:

With over two billion visitors monthly, very few people would not have heard of YouTube. Starting a YouTube channel is very simple and, most importantly, it is free. Putting YouTube to use for your marketing strategy could do wonders for your brand and help drive awareness and engagement.

4. Use your social media:

4. Use your social media:

Social media is a tool to connect with virtually anyone with the same tastes as you. And that’s exactly what it should be used for. Post-clothing-related pictures and short videos with voice-over on how to wear them on social media sites like Instagram. Instagram is specifically very helpful because it creates very visual content that can pull in customers who love drawing inspiration from other people’s outfits. This will also help you connect with your target market.

5. Don’t forget to use email marketing:

5. Don’t forget to use email marketing:

In this day and age, it is vital for brands to ensure that they stand out from their competitors. Email video marketing is a useful tool to tell your online community of customers what your brand is up to via email. Emails with videos in them improve the click-through-rate by 300%.

This is more than just a strategy to employ once in a while – being able to email your audience all at once is really useful for getting them engaged and informed about everything that your brand is up to. You will be able to build an even greater rapport with customers, ensuring they’ll come back when there are sales or new products being offered.

6. Work closely with the experts:

Fashion influencers both online and offline really are your best friend. These stylish people know what the audience wants, and can effectively communicate this with their followers. One of the most fruitful ways to use an influencer’s reach is to leverage them for your own business’ publicity needs.

Position them as an inside source that knows the scoop on your designer label. Create videos with the influencer modeling your fashion products with different looks and styles. This is sure to boost interest from influencers’ fan-following as they hop onto the latest fashion trends, which in turn grows your brand’s following and enhances your visibility, leading to better sales.


This article is designed to give you all the information that you need to make a fashion marketing video for your clothing brand. If you’re reading this, then you are probably interested in fashion and want to know more about how to market your clothing brand. Fashion marketing videos are a great way to build hype and create more buzz around your clothing line. In fact, they can be your best style of marketing, especially if you are able to release a series of videos. So, what are you waiting for? Try out InVideo to make mesmerizing videos of your clothing brand now!

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