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Can a Man be a Female Fashion Designer?

I know that a whole lot of men believe that being a fashion designer is something which is more something that women and men with a feminine flair undertake. Understandably, a lot of very creative guys deny themselves the chance to exploit this aspect of their masculinity. Establishing a successful fashion design startup isn’t only for those with a feminine bent; it’s for the manly side of society, too. Still have your doubts? Well, hear me out.

I know this because I have been in the fashion branding business for at least 11 years, and I have had the chance to become acquainted with hundreds of fashion designers from all walks of life. And no, you do not need to become a diva to be successful in this business –you will need to have solid business acumen. Understand that being a successful fashion designer isn’t what it was in the past. It is really all about marketing. Sure, raw talent is impressive, but it is the conundrum that artists face in general.

How can you become a Fashion Designer?

So, what is the way of least resistance (and cost) to getting into fashion design? It may be helpful to enroll in some type of program, but in my judgment, this may result in a ton of student debt and years of wasted time. This is particularly true in the university setting. Instead, have a few online technical classes instead of learning the fundamentals, or even better, a mentor with someone else already in the business.

Understand that you are going to need to make some hefty financial sacrifices since this isn’t just a super-cheap enterprise to enter. But, there are methods of being prudent that you could employ. If you intend on making just minimal scale manufacturing with a high priced end-product, then it is ideal to just outsource everything to local sewers. It’s crucial that you shop around, as prices can fluctuate wildly. However, it may be worthwhile to outsource it from overseas if you intend on manufacturing in volume.

There is a great deal of extremely talented individuals with promising ventures that become insolvent or even bankrupt due to cost overruns. So, let us get back to my first point. You’ve to have a good plan from the get-go.

How do you grow as a Fashion Designer?

Allow me to explain a few things which can be done.

  • You must develop a strong internet presence. The more you learn about advertising online and search engine optimization, the better. Another alternative is to outsource your online business page to proven digital marketing agencies like Scorpion, as they have an army of digital marketers that optimizes your webpage and brings in more traffic, thus more customers and online presence for you and your business without much of a hassle
  • Your very best bet is to first establish an active Facebook and Instagram presence since these venues are visual. As an example, with Facebook, it is possible to build a compelling business site that can be put together in a couple of hours. You can then share this with all your friends, and if you’re able to afford it, pay for additional exposure.
  • You need to establish other ways to hustle traffic, which are more affordable, at least at the beginning of the start-. You may set up some very attractive sites using WordPress, making sure to include on the home page all the appropriate rules of copywriting and consumer experience design, such as value propositions and calls to action.
  • You need to pay special attention to the light and presentation of your photography. This brings us to another problem: do you intend to sell B2B or B2C, or even both? If you can work with thinner margins, then you can get exposure and a great deal of company getting in good with procuring managers of big department stores. Needless to say, there are lots of pitfalls here. You need to understand that a good deal of these places don’t make a payment on demand, and you might need to wait anywhere from 60 to 120 days to get paid for your bill. So that means you must float your expenses for several months.

How do you generate real sales for your fashion business?

If you’re a small outfit and you do not want to lose your tail, then it may be best to go to different Mom-and-Pop boutique outlets. In many instances, these places often purchase a couple of original pieces at a time at a very significant premium. You’ve got to be a convincing salesman with a strong personality while you’re doing this.

It is possible to employ this method in addition to selling B2C online. Now, I’m going to bring something up that’s likely going to get me into hot water with plenty of people. I understand that before, trade shows were the mainstays of having your merchandise discovered with providers. I am not saying that this is an absolute-I am only saying that in many instances, doing direct outreach will be more successful and a great deal cheaper.

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